We bought two new gilts from Reinhardt Mini Ranch in Wisconsin in March of 2022. They were born January 1, 2022 and January 15, 2022. Their names are Ellie and Pepper. Ellie's parents are No Diggity and Rose. Pepper's parents are Cheesehead and Elena. They will be bred this fall with first litters in the spring of 2023. Pictures coming soon.
We bought a boar in the spring of 2021. He came from Shaffers Goldrush in Indiana. We named him Sampson. He is a grandson of Taco Truck on dam’s side and his sire is Transformer. He was born in December 2020. He is just now beginning to fill out and is looking good.
We have brought 2 gilts into our breeding program. They are Nikita and Cheyenne. They are full-blooded sisters out of Penny and War Cry and were born October 2020.
Ayita is the offspring of CoCo and War Cry and was born October 2019.
CoCo was one of our first Hereford Hogs out of Indiana. Her parents are Shock and Awe and Cotton Club and was born January 2016.